Recents Activities

AID Tobacco Control Project -PROTECT
For saving the public health from the harmful effect of smoking and using tobacco products, the Government of Bangladesh enacts ‘Smoking and using of Tobacco products (Control) (Amendment) Act, 2013.’ In order to effective enforcement of the law, particularly the section 4 as Smoking prohibited in public places and in the vehicles and section 5 as Prohibition of advertisement of tobacco products, AID has taken initiative its Tobacco control project since 2009. During the period AID has implemented 3 projects with the financial and technical support of The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Inc. (The Union). Among these project the last one “People’s Response on Tobacco law Enforcement through Campaign against Tobacco (PROTECT)” has been implemented during the period 01 October, 2013 to 31 September, 2015. For effective enforcement of this law it was needed to involve local government authorities, activate the tobacco control law enforcement authorities and sensitize mass people with appropriate activities.
Objective of the project:
To reduce tobacco consumption and the second hand smoking in Khulna Division through effective enforcement of Tobacco Control Law and increasing public awareness.