Recents Activities

AID Disable Children Rehabilitation program-DCRP
About more than 10% of the population in Bangladesh are either physically or mentally disabled and some of the cases are combination of these two. Anybody may be disabled naturally from his/her birth time or from accident during the period of this/her lifetime. Person’s has nothing to do against this fate, but unfortunately their family or society does not accept it easily and as a result they have to passed their life with negligence or on sympathy of others Naturally they are treated as liabilities of family or society. But AID believes that if the PWDs are provided with appropriate supports they could be turned into human resources and contributes to our development process significantly. AID started its rehabilitation program for the peoples with disability (PWD) in 1996 and now has been working with the following two projects;
Project No-1 : Promoting Rights and Inclusion through Community Rehabilitation by Liliane-DRRA alliance in Bangladesh
This project is initiated in 1998 with the financial support of SLF, Netherland with an objective “to integrate the Children with disabilities in the mainstream of the society through different rehabilitation activities.”
Project No-2 : Social inclusion of Deaf Children and young people in Bangladesh
The project has been implementing at 3 Unions under Jhenaidah Sadar Upazila and in Jhenaidah Municipality area with the financial support of Deaf Child Worldwide, UK, through Centre for Disability in Development(CDD), Dhaka, since2014.
Objective of the project: To establish social rights of the Deaf Children and young people through developing their Communication skills.
Activities taken and achievement:
Bangla Sign language training for the guardians or parents of deaf children: 04
Training course on child protection for guardians or parents of deaf children; –
Training on Bangla Sign language for DYP: –
ECD (Early Child hood Development) Centre- 1
Bangla Sign language Session for teacher- 201
Bangla Sign language Session for student- 27
Sessions on Child protection- 08
Sessions on health caring- 18
Arranged an annual gathering- 01
Project No-3 : AID Disability Welfare Fund
Fund raising is the important factor for doing welfare of the peoples with disabilities. As AID is a humanitarian organization and very much concern with the people with disabilities, so it has established a Disability Welfare Trust through which fund has been rising from the donation of the people of all classes in the society including ZAKAT, FITRA, and Skin selling of Korbani (sacrificed) animal. With this Disability Welfare Trust fund the PWDs are provided with artificial limbs, crutches, and wheel chairs, stand in tables, corner chairs, educational support, financial support, treatment support, worm cloths etc. Till to date 524,000 taka loan has been disbursed among the PWDs with soft terms and conditions and provided warm clothes to 30 PWDs for the year.