Recents Activities

AID Building Resilience of Returning Migrants from the Andaman Sea through Economic Reintegration and Community Empowerment Project–DIBP
Bangladesh is a country of highly depended on remittance sent by the migrants. But the human rights of the migrants and member of their families are not adequately addressed both at home and abroad. 171 Bangladeshi citizens were rescued on 19 October 2014, by Thai authorities from a deep jungle in Thailand. This raised concern nationally and internationally about the irregular migration of poor Bangladeshis to Malaysia through the maritime route of Bay of Bengal. It is evident from this incident that a large number of Bangladeshis are living in inhuman condition in the jungles of Thailand, waiting to go to Malaysia. Many of them were in jail, many had lost their lives, and whereabouts of some others were unknown. Considering the above grooming picture AID Foundation with the support of IOM (International Organization for Migration)Bangladesh has undertaken the project as a pilot innovative initiatives for building resilience of returning migrants through economic reintegration and community empowerment along with building awareness among the people about safe migration.