Recents Activities

AID Mobile Banking Program
With the expansion of modern technology the money transfer and transaction system in the country or abroad within shortest time has been more eased. In accordance to it, AID has started its Mobile Baking activities in 2014 for providing Banking service to the people of all sectors, especially poor and marginal people. As a result of these efforts, the marginalized people are enjoying the facilities like other schedule Bank provides within their abilities and a positive effect has been made over national economics due to their regular financial transition.
Objectives of the project:
- To involve all targeted people, staffs, workers and well-wishers with Mobile Banking activities;
- To assist the targeted customers to access Mobile Banking facilities and to play an active role for making the people savings oriented; and
- To make the Mobile Banking Program self-reliant in respect of financial and human resources.
Development Partners for the project:
- Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. Mobile Banking (ROCKET)
- Tele Talk Bangladesh Limited.
- Airtel Bangladesh Limited (Robi)
- Tele Cash ( Southeast Bank Limited)
- U-Cash ( United Commercial Bank Limited)
- IFIC Mobile Banking
Working Location:
Dutch Bangla Bank Mobile Banking In Jhenaidah District- Sadar, Sailkupa, Harinakundu, Kaligonj, Kotchandpur and Maheshpur Upazila
Dutch Bangla Bank Mobile Banking In Dhaka District- Mohammadpur, Adabar,Shyamoli and Sher-E-Bangla Nagar
Teletalk Bangladesh Limited in Jhenaidah District- Sadar, Sailkupa, Harinakundu, Kaligonj, Kotchandpur and Maheshpur Upazila
Airtel Bangladesh Limted (Robi) in Jhenaidah District- Sadar, Sailkupa, Harinakundu, Kaligonj, Kotchandpur and Maheshpur Upazila .
Tele Cash ( Southeast Bank Limited) in Khulna division and District- Sadar, Sailkupa, Harinakundu, Kaligonj, Kotchandpur and Maheshpur Upazila
U-Cash ( United Commercial Bank Limited) in Jhenaidah District- Sadar, Sailkupa, Harinakundu, Kaligonj, Kotchandpur and Maheshpur Upazila .
IFIC Mobile Banking in Jhenaidah District- Sadar, Sailkupa, Harinakundu, Kaligonj, Kotchandpur and Maheshpur Upazila.