Recents Activities

AID Pre-school education for the economically poor families’ children
AID foundation started its education program in 1998 with inclusive education of disable children initially through 03 centers. Over the period AID includes adult education, non-formal primary education and basic education for the children involved in hazardous work place in its Education program. At present AID is implementing two projects for Pre-school education for the economically poor families’ children and Special Education for Children with Disability.
Most of the people of Helai village of Kaligonj Upazila under Jhenaidah district are illiterate and live with the poverty. Due to their illiteracy and poverty they are not interested to send their children into the school as they are not able to afford the educational expenses. To provide basic education among the children of economically poor families AID established a school in 2007 with the support of the European Commission and lets them to continue the support by Save the Children. At present, it has been runing by the AID of its own financial support. There are 30 children of the poorest family studying the pre-primary education following the government curriculumn in each year.
Special Education for Children with Disability:
Objective of the project:
To ensure the basic education for the speech and hearing impaired children and rehabilitate them in the main stream education system.