Recents Activities

AID Solar Irrigation Project
Bangladesh is a country of highest population density. So, to meet up the food requirement of the huge population it needs utmost utilization of land with highest production. Irrigation is one of the major factors for producing more crops. Irrigation by Deep Tube-wells (DTW) or Shallow Tube-wells (STW) are generally operated by electricity or diesel. But frequent load shedding of electricity and highest market price of the fuel oil and sometime its crisis of availability hamper the irrigation that affects the production cost and productivity. Moreover the diesel engine has a negative impact on environment whereas the solar energy with PV systems has a smaller environmental footprint compared to conventional power systems. AID has been working with Solar Home System (SHS) over three years with a strong confidence on solar energy technologies. AID is working in agriculture sector since its inception in order to ensure the rights of the farmers on government provided services and to encourage them to produce safe agriculture products using organic fertilizer and no harmful pesticides. So for irrigation with less hampering of environment, AID initiates its Solar Irrigation Project (SIP) as a new and innovative technology with financial and technical assistance of IDCOL in 2014. Being selected as a Participating Organization (PO) of IDCOL in 2014 AID has installed 39 Solar Irrigation Projects in Jhenaidah district.
Objectives of the project:
To install Solar Irrigation System in the rural areas with solar energy without hampering environment;
To introduce rural farmers with new agricultural technology.
To contribute in national level to meet up the energy crisis of the country
To reduce air pollution
To introduce people with the unlimited natural resources.
To save farmers from fuel and energy crisis for irrigation.
Achievement and Impact:
Irrigation pump installed for the year is 11 and till to date is 15.
Interest is growing up among the farmers with this technology;
Farmers have no tension with fuel oil crisis; and
It has got an acceptance among the mass people.