Current Projects

AID Information and Communication Technology Section (ICTS)
This is the age of digitalization. The Bangladesh government is committed to build a Digital Bangladesh where all technologies will be operated electronically. AID also believes that effective use of information technology can play a major role in development aspect. Hence AID Foundation has establi
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Knowledgeable and skilled staff is an integral part of an organization for its growth and expansion as the total performances of the staff is the performance of the organization. To increase knowledge and capacity one should undergo some process or action. For the purpose AID Foundation has the foll
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Demand for Rights of the Excluded and Marginalized-(DREAM)
Since inceptions, AID Foundation is very committed, specific, and sincere to bring the socio-economic uplift and establish the rights of the women and children of the society. Bangladesh is primarily an agrarian country where more than 70% populations are directly or indirectly depend on agriculture
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AID Disable Children Rehabilitation program-DCRP
About more than 10% of the population in Bangladesh are either physically or mentally disabled and some of the cases are combination of these two. Anybody may be disabled naturally from his/her birth time or from accident during the period of this/her lifetime. Person’s has nothing to do against thi
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AID Tobacco Control Project -PROTECT
For saving the public health from the harmful effect of smoking and using tobacco products, the Government of Bangladesh enacts ‘Smoking and using of Tobacco products (Control) (Amendment) Act, 2013.’ In order to effective enforcement of the law, particularly the section 4 as Smoking prohibited in p
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AID Building Resilience of Returning Migrants from the Andaman Sea through Economic Reintegration and Community Empowerment Project–DIBP
Bangladesh is a country of highly depended on remittance sent by the migrants. But the human rights of the migrants and member of their families are not adequately addressed both at home and abroad. 171 Bangladeshi citizens were rescued on 19 October 2014, by Thai authorities from a deep jungle in
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Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture Practice (PSAP) with less irrigation water
Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for the majority of people in Bangladesh. About 80 percent of the total populations live in the rural areas of this country. Over the last 20 years there has been a large increase in the extraction of groundwater for irrigation in Bangladesh.In fact,
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Combating Gender-Based Violence Project (CGBV)
Gender-based violence / Violence against Women (GBV/VAW)’ concept highlights the fact that violence against women is an expression of power inequalities between women and men.The community typically groups these abuses into three categories such as Family Violence, Community Violence and State Viole
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Faecal Sludge Management project
At the end of the year, AID Foundation has initiated a completely new project under and with the partnership of Jhenaidah Pourashava known as Faecal Sludge Management. AID Foundation is always concern about the environment and public health. Open defecation, unsanitary and unsafe toilets and the lac
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